Welcome To SPH Governance
Changing Perceptions
SPH Governance in Education Ltd is an independent company specialising in delivering training and development opportunities for school governors. The company is headed by Steven Hodsman, a National Leader of Governance appointed by the National College for Teaching and Leadership.

One of only 500 NLGs nationally Steven has become a system leader in governance working closely with all sectors and stakeholders within the education forum. A governor for almost 10 years in both primary and secondary settings, Steven was appointed to the Board of Directors of one of the UK's largest Multi Academy Trusts in December 2014 becoming Chair of the Trust in December 2015. Throughout 2015, Steven led a major review of Trust governance working with Trust leaders, Regional Schools Commissioners, the Dept for Education and Education Funding Agency. As well as delivering facilitation and training to governors on behalf of Leeds Beckett University, Steven is able to deliver Safeguarding training having qualified as one of only 400 nationally registered Safer Recruitment Trainers. Steven offers a variety of courses specifically aimed at school governors whilst his delivery of Safeguarding training is available to not only governors but to anyone working with children across all sectors.